West Kirby Dolls House Club

Triang Dolls House

Kay's Triang "Stockbroker" dolls house

West Kirby Dolls House Club meets on the first Monday of each month. Meetings are held at the West Kirby Social Club, Banks Road, West Kirby, Wirral, England at 7.30.

We usually have a demonstration each month of something connected with dolls houses, miniature furniture and accessories or twelfth scale dolls. Sometimes we make something at the meeting, often with materials provided by one of the members. However members who don't want to make anything themselves can just watch. We also have projects where everyone makes a particular twelfth scale item and then brings it in to show to other members. The projects usally take more than one month to complete.

New members are always welcome. You can get further details by ringing Kay on 0151 625 6924.
Subscriptions are only £12 for the year (and this includes tea and biscuits). Or new members can pay £2 for the first meeting and then a further £10 if they want to join.

 Our dolls house project for Christmas 2000
 Mr Pask's Dolls House
 Kay's Victorian Dolls House
 Kay's Triang Dolls House
 West Kirby Suggestions Page
 Dunn Fine Arts - Picture Framing and Limited Edition Prints